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English Spinach - Baby, Loose - Organic
In Stock
Certified By: ACO
Country of Origin: Australia
$49.95 $49.95 / kg1.5kg Bulk Box
$59.95 $39.97 / kgAbout the product
Grower: Coolibah Organics Experience the vibrant freshness of Coolibah English Spinach - Baby, Loose - Organic, a lush and tender leafy green that adds a burst of flavour and nutrition to your meals. Grown organically, these baby spinach leaves are packed with essential vitamins and minerals, making them a nutritious choice for any dish.
Ideal for salads, smoothies, stir-fries, or sandwiches, this versatile spinach is a must-have in your kitchen. Its delicate texture and earthy taste make it a perfect addition to a wide range of recipes, adding a healthy twist to your favourite meals.
Locally sourced and sustainably grown, this organic baby spinach is not only good for you but also for the environment. With each bite, you can savour the freshness and quality that comes from organic farming practices.
Whether you're looking to create a nutritious salad, a hearty soup, or a flavourful side dish, Coolibah English Spinach - Baby, Loose - Organic is the perfect choice. Enhance your culinary creations with this farm-fresh ingredient that is sure to elevate your dishes to the next level.
Bring home this vibrant and nutrient-rich baby spinach today and enjoy the goodness of organic produce in every bite. Add a pop of green to your meals and experience the freshness and flavour of Coolibah English Spinach - Baby, Loose - Organic.