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Dutch Cream
Potatoes - Organic
In Stock
Certified By: NAS
Country of Origin: Australia
$9.95 $9.95 / kg2kg Value Buy
$15.95 $7.98 / kg5kg Half Box
$29.95 $5.99 / kg10kg Bulk Box
$49.95 $5.00 / kgAbout the product
Grower: Biofarms Discover the delectable taste of Dutch Cream Potatoes - Organic, brought to you by Doorstep Organics. Grown with care and dedication, these potatoes are a true pantry essential.
Fresh from the farm, these organic potatoes boast a rich creamy texture and a buttery flavour that elevates any dish. Whether mashed, roasted, or boiled, their versatility shines through, making them perfect for all your culinary creations.
Certified organic, these Dutch Cream Potatoes are not only delicious but also free from harmful chemicals and pesticides. You can enjoy them with peace of mind, knowing that you are indulging in a natural and wholesome product.
Ideal for quick snacks, hearty stews, or as a delightful side dish for dinner, these potatoes are a must-have in any kitchen. Their quality and freshness will enhance your meals and bring joy to your family gatherings.
Experience the difference with Doorstep Organics' Dutch Cream Potatoes - Organic and elevate your cooking to a whole new level. Order now and savour the true essence of organic goodness.