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Good Fish
Salmon in Brine CAN Bulk Buy
In Stock
Certified By: Not Certified Organic
Country of Origin: Spain
6 x 120g (1 Free!)
$59.75About the product
Dive into the delicious taste of Good Fish Salmon in Brine CAN Bulk Buy, available now on Doorstep Organics. Sustainably sourced and packed with omega-3 goodness, this convenient bulk buy option is perfect for stocking up your pantry with high-quality, protein-packed salmon.
Ideal for salads, sandwiches, pasta dishes, or simply enjoying on its own, our salmon in brine is versatile and tasty. Each tender and juicy bite will leave you craving more of this premium product.
Make meal prep a breeze with Good Fish Salmon in Brine CAN Bulk Buy from Doorstep Organics. Order now and experience the convenience of having this pantry staple at your fingertips whenever you need it.
Canadian Salmon fillets, water, salt