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Power Super Foods
Acai Powder
Out of Stock
Certified By: ACO
Country of Origin: Brazil
$14.94About the product
Açai (Euterpe oleracea) is the secret weapon of many famous athletes who love the Low G.I./high nutrient concentration combo – no surfer from Brazil to Burleigh can start their day without!
This royal purple jewel with the mild, faintly cocoa-berry taste has been snap frozen at harvest site and milled at low temperature into a powder for your convenience. Açai is absolutely loaded with nutrition: 19 Amino Acids, Vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, and P (bioflavonoids), minerals like potassium, iron, phosphorous, and calcium, fibre content of 30%, trace elements, Omegas 6 and 9, and unusually for a fruit, protein!
Suggested Uses:
Add to yoghurt, smoothies, ice cream, fruit juice, water, milkshakes, muesli, or even margaritas!
Acai Berry Powder