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Bamboo Panty Liners
In Stock
Certified By: Not Certified Organic
Country of Origin: China
20 pack
$7.95 $0.40 / eachAbout the product
Introducing Tsuno Bamboo Panty Liners, a sustainable and eco-friendly choice for your daily needs. These panty liners are made from natural bamboo fibres, offering you a gentle and comfortable experience while reducing your environmental impact.
Key Product Attributes:
- Sustainable and eco-friendly bamboo fibres
- Ultra-thin design for discreet wear
- Soft and gentle on the skin
- Suitable for daily use
- Pack of 20 liners
Tsuno Bamboo Panty Liners are perfect for those looking for a more sustainable option without compromising on quality and comfort. Say goodbye to synthetic materials and make the switch to these biodegradable panty liners that are kind to both your body and the planet.
Explore more sustainable and eco-friendly products from Tsuno and discover a range of options that make a positive impact on the environment in our complete range.
Made from bamboo and corn fibre