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Eco Store
Bathroom and Shower Refill Concentrate Antibacterial
In Stock
Certified By: Not Certified Organic
Country of Origin: NZ
$6.95 $1.39 / 100mlAbout the product
Eco Store Bathroom and Shower Refill Concentrate Antibacterial is a convenient and eco-friendly solution for maintaining a clean and hygienic environment in your home. This concentrate comes in a size that allows you to refill your bathroom and shower cleaning bottles, reducing plastic waste.
Formulated to be antibacterial, this concentrate effectively eliminates germs and bacteria, providing a thorough clean while being mindful of the environment. It is an ideal choice for individuals looking for a sustainable and efficient cleaning product for their home.
This Antibacterial Refill Concentrate is certified safe for home use and is suitable for various surfaces in the bathroom and shower area. Simply dilute the concentrate with water as per the instructions and use it to clean showers, sinks, tiles, and other bathroom surfaces.
Discover more eco-friendly and sustainable products from Eco Store in our complete range and make the switch to greener cleaning solutions today.