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Mashio Beniamino
Brente Grappa Bianca Imperiale
Out of Stock
Certified By: Not Certified Organic
Country of Origin: Italy
$89.95About the product
Indulge in the exquisite taste of Mashio Beniamino Brente Grappa Bianca Imperiale, a premium Italian white grape pomace spirit that will elevate your culinary creations. This 500ml bottle boasts a rich flavour profile and a velvety texture that is perfect for enhancing sauces, stews, and marinades.
Crafted from sustainably sourced grapes, this grappa is certified organic, ensuring a pure and high-quality addition to your pantry. Whether you are a cooking enthusiast or a professional chef, this product is ideal for adding a touch of sophistication to your dishes.
Complete your organic spirits collection by exploring more offerings from Beniamino Brente in our complete range. Elevate your everyday meals with this exquisite grappa and savour the difference it makes in your cooking.