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Broccolini - Organic
In Stock
Certified By: NAS
Country of Origin: Australia
$8.95 $8.95 / each2 x bunch Value Buy
$14.95 $7.48 / eachAbout the product
Grower: Frais Farms Discover the fresh and vibrant crunch of Broccolini - Organic, the perfect addition to your culinary creations. Sourced from local organic farms, this tender vegetable offers a unique flavour profile that is a delightful blend of broccoli and Chinese kale.
Certified organic, each vibrant green stalk is packed with nutrients and antioxidants, making it a nutritious choice for your plate. Whether stir-fried, roasted, or simply steamed, Broccolini - Organic is a versatile ingredient that can easily elevate any dish.
Ideal for a quick sauté for a healthy snack or as a side dish for a hearty dinner, this farm-fresh produce promises both quality and convenience. Experience the fresh taste and superior quality of Broccolini - Organic today, and add a touch of wholesome goodness to your meals. Enjoy the exceptional flavour and nutritional benefits that this remarkable vegetable has to offer.