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Compostable Cling Wrap
Out of Stock
Certified By: Not Certified Organic
100x30cm sheets
$10.95 $0.11 / eachAbout the product
Introducing BioTuff Compostable Cling Wrap, your eco-friendly solution for preserving freshness while reducing your environmental impact. This cling wrap is made from plant-based materials, making it fully compostable and an excellent alternative to traditional plastic wraps.
Key Product Attributes:
- Size: 30cm x 30m roll
- Certification: Certified compostable
- Ideal uses: Perfect for wrapping food items, covering bowls, and keeping your leftovers fresh
Say goodbye to single-use plastics and switch to BioTuff Compostable Cling Wrap for a more sustainable choice in your kitchen. This convenient and practical wrap is ideal for everyday use, whether for storing food in the fridge or wrapping sandwiches for on-the-go lunches.
Discover more from BioTuff in our complete range of compostable products. Make the switch today and do your part for the planet while keeping your food fresh.