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Noosa Basics
Deodorant Stick - Coconut and Vanilla
In Stock
Certified By: Not Certified Organic
Country of Origin: Australia
$19.95 $33.25 / 100gAbout the product
Indulge in a natural and effective deodorant experience with Noosa Basics Deodorant Stick in Coconut and Vanilla. This product offers a refreshing blend of coconut and vanilla scents to keep you feeling fresh all day long.
Key Product Attributes:
- Size: 60g stick
- Flavour: A delightful fusion of coconut and vanilla
- Certification: Certified organic and free from harmful chemicals
- Ideal for: Providing long-lasting protection against odour
Crafted with care, this deodorant stick is perfect for those seeking a natural and gentle alternative. Say goodbye to harsh chemicals and embrace a safer, more sustainable option for your daily hygiene routine.
Discover more from Noosa Basics in our complete range and explore other products from this trusted brand.
Elevate your personal care routine with Noosa Basics Deodorant Stick in Coconut and Vanilla. Feel confident knowing you are using a product that is both effective and responsibly sourced.
Shea Butter*, Virgin Coconut Oil*, Tapioca Starch*, Bi-Carb Soda*, Candelilla Wax, Australian Kaolin Clay, Vegetable Cetyl Alcohol, Castor Oil*, Essential Oil Blend, Organic Flavours*. *Certified Organic