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Sugar Wrap
Eco Clingwrap
In Stock
Country of Origin: Korea
$14.95 $0.25 / mAbout the product
Introducing Sugar Wrap Eco Clingwrap, the perfect sustainable solution for eco-conscious households. This versatile cling wrap is an essential addition to any kitchen, offering both convenience and environmental friendliness.
Key Product Attributes:
- Size: Available in a standard roll size, ensuring you have an ample supply for all your food storage needs.
- Sustainability: Made from eco-friendly materials, this cling wrap helps reduce plastic waste.
- Ideal Uses: Perfect for wrapping leftovers, storing fruits and vegetables, or covering dishes to keep them fresh.
- Certification: This cling wrap is environmentally certified, giving you peace of mind about its eco-friendly credentials.
Ensure your kitchen is stocked with environmentally responsible essentials by adding Sugar Wrap Eco Clingwrap to your pantry. Explore more sustainable products and alternatives from Sugar Wrap in our complete range.