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Extra Soup Pack
In Stock
$29.00About the product
Unleash the full potential of your culinary creations with the Extra Soup Pack from Doorstep Organics. This versatile pack includes a selection of premium, hand-picked ingredients to elevate your soups, stews, and more.
Key Product Attributes:
- Each pack is thoughtfully curated with a variety of organic, sustainably sourced ingredients.
- Ideal for enhancing the flavour profile of your dishes with ease.
- Perfect for busy individuals looking to create delicious meals without compromising on quality.
- Includes a range of ingredients such as organic herbs, pulses, grains, and more.
Front-load Keywords: organic ingredients, sustainable sourcing, pantry essentials
Start your culinary journey today with the Extra Soup Pack and explore the complete range of high-quality products offered by Doorstep Organics.
Unleash your creativity in the kitchen using our hand-picked ingredients!
Sample Contents:
2 each Medium Carrots - Organic
1 each Sweet Corn - Organic
1 each One Leek - Organic
1 each Brown/Gold Onions - Organic
.5 1kg Sebago Potatoes - Organic
.3 1kg Round Tomatoes - Organic
1 each Green Zucchini - Organic
.5 1kg Jap Pumpkin Piece - Organic