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Fly Trap with Bait
In Stock
Certified By: Not Certified Organic
Country of Origin: Australia
1 bottle
$16.95 $16.95 / eachAbout the product
Australia’s number 1 fly trap system, the EnviroSafe Fly Trap is specially designed to attract and catch a wide range of Aussie flies. Each trap comes with our unique EnviroSafe Eco-Bait – a highly effective, non-toxic bait that is irresistible to flies, attracting them into the trap where there is no escape!
Key Product Attributes:
- Size: Compact and easy to hang or place outdoors.
- Function: Designed to attract and trap flies and European wasps effectively.
- Sustainable: Made from eco-friendly materials to minimize environmental impact.
- Usage: Ideal for outdoor areas such as gardens, patios, or picnics.
Say goodbye to buzzing pests and enjoy your time outdoors with the Envirosafe Fly and European Wasp Catcher. Don't let annoying insects ruin your day - add this trap to your cart today!
Discover more pest control solutions in our Envirosafe range.