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Frozen Avocado Diced Conventional
Out of Stock
Certified By: Not Certified Organic
$7.95About the product
Sold frozen. Some thawing in transit may occur. If Useby is a fresh date then shelf life extends by 6 months.
Av. sizing: 1 per 300g.
Looking to add a nutritious twist to your dishes? Harvestime Frozen Avocado Diced Conventional offers a convenient way to elevate your meals. These frozen avocado dices come in a practical package perfect for busy kitchens.
Key Product Attributes:
- Size: Available in a convenient diced form.
- Quality: Made from conventional avocados with a rich, creamy texture.
- Versatile: Ideal for various culinary uses, such as smoothies, salads, or guacamole.
- Source: Sustainably sourced to support responsible farming practices.
Discover more from Harvestime in our complete range.
Embrace the goodness of avocados without the hassle of peeling and dicing. Stock up on Harvestime Frozen Avocado Diced today and effortlessly enhance your everyday dishes.