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Gourmet Organic Herbs
Garlic Granules
In Stock
Certified By: ACO
Country of Origin: China
$4.85 $1.21 / 10gAbout the product
Add a burst of flavour to your dishes with Gourmet Organic Herbs Garlic Granules. These premium garlic granules are sourced from certified organic farms, ensuring the highest quality and freshness.
Ideal for adding a rich garlic taste to your favourite recipes, these granules are a convenient pantry essential. Whether you're cooking up a savoury stir-fry, seasoning a hearty soup, or marinating meat for grilling, these garlic granules will elevate your dishes with their robust flavour.
Certified organic and free from any additives or preservatives, Gourmet Organic Herbs Garlic Granules offer a wholesome and pure addition to your culinary creations. The fine texture disperses evenly, infusing your dishes with a delicious garlic aroma.
For a quick and easy way to enhance the taste of your meals, reach for Gourmet Organic Herbs Garlic Granules. Elevate your cooking with the natural goodness of organic garlic, and enjoy the convenience of having this flavourful ingredient at your fingertips.
Experience the difference that Gourmet Organic Herbs Garlic Granules can make in your kitchen. Order now and explore the versatile and delicious world of organic herbs with Doorstep Organics.
Organic garlic