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Barambah Organics
Lactose Free Full Cream Unhomogenised Milk
Out of Stock
Certified By: ACO
Country of Origin: Australia
$7.45 $3.73 / LAbout the product
Indulge in the rich and creamy goodness of Barambah Organics Lactose-Free Full Cream Unhomogenised Cow Milk, a top-quality dairy product that's perfect for those looking for a delicious and lactose-free option.
Key Product Attributes:
- Size: Available in various sizes to suit your needs.
- Flavour and Texture: Enjoy the rich flavour and velvety texture of this unhomogenised cow milk.
- Certification: Certified organic, ensuring the highest quality and sustainability.
- Ideal Uses: Perfect for adding to your morning cereal, coffee, or baking recipes.
Looking for more organic dairy options? Discover more from Barambah Organics in our complete range.
With targeted keywords like lactose-free, certified organic, and dairy essential, this description is optimized for Performance Max (PMax) and Google Shopping campaigns. Emphasizing attributes like quality, sustainability, and versatility, we aim to attract high-quality, converting traffic.
Remember to validate all links and use clear, concise language to engage potential buyers effectively. And as always, avoid making any health claims or using promotional language that could violate Google's policies.
Lactose free full cream milk