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Laundry Egg Starter Kit Fresh Linen
In Stock
Certified By: Not Certified Organic
Country of Origin: UK
50 Washes
$29.95About the product
Introducing the Ecoegg Laundry Egg Starter Kit in Fresh Linen, a revolutionary and eco-friendly way to keep your laundry fresh and clean. This starter kit includes everything you need to make the switch to a more sustainable laundry routine.
Key Product Attributes:
- Size: The starter kit includes a durable Laundry Egg that can be refilled, providing long-lasting freshness.
- Scent: Fresh Linen fragrance leaves your clothes smelling clean and inviting.
- Eco-Friendly: The Laundry Egg is a plastic-free alternative to traditional laundry detergents, reducing plastic waste.
- Effective Cleaning: The mineral pellets inside the Laundry Egg effectively clean your clothes, even at low temperatures.
Make the switch to the Ecoegg Laundry Egg Starter Kit for a cleaner planet and fresher laundry. Discover more eco-friendly options in our complete Ecoegg range.
5-15% Anionic Surfactants, 15-30% Non-Ionic Surfactants, Sodium Percarbonate, Acifloctin, Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Carbonate