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Laundry Egg Starter Kit Tropical Breeze
In Stock
Certified By: Not Certified Organic
Country of Origin: UK
50 Washes
$29.95About the product
Introducing the Ecoegg Laundry Egg Starter Kit in Tropical Breeze, your eco-friendly laundry solution. This starter kit includes everything you need to revolutionize your laundry routine with a delightful tropical scent.
Key Product Attributes:
- Size: The Ecoegg Laundry Egg Starter Kit contains a 210 washes Egg case and two packs of mineral pellet refills.
- Fragrance: Infused with a refreshing Tropical Breeze fragrance, your clothes will smell like a paradise getaway.
- Eco-friendly: The Ecoegg Laundry Egg is a sustainable and reusable alternative to traditional laundry detergents, helping reduce plastic waste.
- Hypoallergenic: Perfect for sensitive skin, the Ecoegg Laundry Egg is dermatologically tested and gentle on clothes and skin.
Make the switch to the Ecoegg Laundry Egg Starter Kit for an efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly way to do your laundry. Say goodbye to harsh chemicals and plastic waste with this innovative laundry solution.
Discover more sustainable and eco-conscious products from Ecoegg in our complete range.
Optimize your laundry routine today with the Ecoegg Laundry Egg Starter Kit in Tropical Breeze.
5-15% Anionic Surfactants, 15-30% Non-Ionic Surfactants, Sodium Percarbonate, Acifloctin, Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Carbonate