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Simply Clean
Laundry Stain Remover and Sanitiser Fragrance Free
In Stock
Certified By: Not Certified Organic
Country of Origin: Australia
$13.95 $13.95 / kgAbout the product
Elevate your laundry game with Simply Clean Laundry Stain Remover and Sanitiser Fragrance Free. This powerful formula is designed to tackle tough stains and bacteria without any added scents, making it ideal for those with sensitivities.
Key Product Attributes:
- Size: Available in a convenient 500ml bottle.
- Fragrance-free: Perfect for those who prefer unscented products.
- Effective: Say goodbye to stains and germs with this powerful formula.
- Safe: Formulated without harsh chemicals, making it gentle on clothes and skin.
This stain remover and sanitiser is a must-have for anyone looking to keep their laundry fresh and clean without compromising on effectiveness.
Discover more from Simply Clean in our complete range of cleaning essentials.
Sodium percarbonate (oxy-action sanitiser and stain remover), sodium carbonate (washing soda for cleaning), polyalkylene oxide (biodegradable low foaming surfactant), sodium dodecylbenzenesulphonate (biodegradable surfactant for cleaning), sodium metasilicate (mineral based corrosion protector for trims and zips), pentasodium triphospharw (water softener maximizes preformance in hard water and prevents greying).