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Mango and Chilli Dressing
Out of Stock
Country of Origin: Australia
$9.35$7.95About the product
Indulge your taste buds with Ozganics Mango and Chilli Dressing, a delightful balance of sweet mango and spicy chilli that adds a burst of flavour to your dishes.
Key Product Attributes:
- Size: 250ml bottle
- Flavour: A fusion of tropical mango sweetness and a kick of chilli heat
- Certification: Certified organic
- Ideal uses: Perfect for drizzling over salads, dipping spring rolls, marinating poultry, or glazing grilled vegetables
Enhance your culinary creations with this versatile dressing that is free from artificial additives and crafted from sustainably sourced ingredients. Elevate your everyday meals with Ozganics Mango and Chilli Dressing.
Looking to explore more organic delights? Discover more from Ozganics in our complete range.
Filtered Water, Organic Sunflower Oil, Organic Mango Puree (15%), Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Organic Sugar, Sea Salt, Organic Chilli (1.5%), Organic Garlic, Organic Cumin, Xanthan Gum