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Simply Gentle
Organic Cotton Balls
In Stock
Certified By: Soil Association
Country of Origin: Germany
$9.50 $9.50 / 100 itemsAbout the product
Experience the purity and softness of Simply Gentle Organic Cotton Balls, a must-have addition to your bathroom or skincare routine.
These gentle cotton balls are made from 100% organic cotton, ensuring a natural and safe option for your skin. With their premium quality and soft texture, they are perfect for makeup removal, applying skincare products, or even caring for delicate baby skin.
Each pack contains 100 organic cotton balls, making them a convenient and practical choice for daily use. Whether you are removing nail polish, applying toner, or cleansing your face, these cotton balls are highly versatile and absorbent, offering a superior experience compared to standard cotton balls.
Certified organic and free from pesticides or chemicals, Simply Gentle Organic Cotton Balls prioritise your health and well-being. Make the switch to these eco-friendly and sustainable cotton balls to elevate your skincare routine and reduce your environmental impact.
Choose the natural option with Simply Gentle Organic Cotton Balls, your skin will thank you. Order yours today and experience the difference!
Organic cotton