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Simply Gentle
Organic Cotton Pads
In Stock
Certified By: Soil Association
Country of Origin: UK
$9.55 $0.10 / eachAbout the product
Experience the gentle touch of Simply Gentle Organic Cotton Pads, designed with your skin and the environment in mind. These certified organic cotton pads are perfect for your daily skincare routine or makeup removal needs.
Key Product Attributes:
- Made from certified organic cotton for a gentle touch.
- Ideal for sensitive skin types.
- Suitable for makeup removal, applying toner, or general skincare.
- Biodegradable and environmentally friendly.
Explore more organic and sustainable products in our complete range of Simply Gentle products.
Optimized for Performance Max and Google Shopping:
Front-loaded with keywords like organic cotton pads and certified organic to attract relevant traffic.
Clearly outlines benefits for potential buyers seeking gentle and eco-friendly skincare options.
Trust Simply Gentle Organic Cotton Pads for a gentle touch that cares for both your skin and the planet.
Simply Gentle Cotton Pads 100 pack