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Essential Greens Pineapple
In Stock
Certified By: ACO
$27.00$22.94$9.18 / 100ml
About the product
Indulge in the vibrant taste of Melrose Essential Greens Pineapple, a revitalizing blend that will elevate your daily smoothies and drinks. This 500g jar is bursting with the tropical sweetness of pineapple, perfect for those craving a refreshing twist in their beverages.
Sourced from certified organic ingredients, this mix offers a potent dose of nutrients and vitamins without any artificial additives. The rich flavour and velvety texture of this green powder make it a versatile addition to your pantry essentials. Add it to your morning smoothie, juice, or even water for a burst of tropical goodness.
For more enticing options, explore the complete range of Melrose Essential Greens products to discover new ways to infuse your day with wholesome goodness.
Front-load your day with the goodness of this delectable Melrose Essential Greens Pineapple mix. Incorporate it into your routine for a revitalizing twist that will enhance your well-being and excite your taste buds.