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Organic Extra Roasting Pack
In Stock
$29.00About the product
Introducing our Organic Extra Roasting Pack, the perfect addition to your pantry for elevating everyday meals. This rich and velvety roasting pack is ideal for sauces, stews, and marinades, adding a burst of flavour to your dishes with ease.
Key Product Attributes:
- Weight: Available in a convenient pack size.
- Flavour and Texture: Indulge in the rich and velvety taste that this pack offers.
- Certification: Certified organic for a sustainable choice.
- Ideal Uses: Perfect for enhancing the taste of your favourite dishes.
Explore more organic options and discover our complete range at Organic Extra Roasting Pack.
Front-load your shopping cart with high-quality, Australian-made pantry essentials like our Organic Extra Roasting Pack. Cook with confidence knowing you are using certified organic ingredients that are perfect for all your culinary creations.
Add depth and richness to your meals effortlessly with our Organic Extra Roasting Pack, free from artificial additives and full of authentic flavours. Say goodbye to bland dishes and hello to delicious dinners with every use.
Don't miss out on this pantry essential! Elevate your cooking experience and create memorable meals with the Organic Extra Roasting Pack. Buy now and taste the difference.
Sample Contents:
2 each Beetroot, Loose - Organic
2 each Medium Carrots - Organic
2 each Brown/Gold Onions - Organic
.5 1kg Sebago Potatoes - Organic
.3 1kg Gold Sweet Potato - Organic
1 each Fennel (1 bulb only) - Organic
.75 1kg Jap Pumpkin Piece - Organic