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Organic Honey Squeeze
In Stock
Certified By: ACO
Country of Origin: Australia
$8.85 $1.77 / 100gAbout the product
Capilano Organic Raw Honey is made by Australian bees that have foraged native eucalyptus and ground flora in Australia’s pristine national parks and forests.
Indulge in the natural sweetness of Capilano Organic Honey Squeeze, a pantry essential that adds a touch of wholesome goodness to your favourite dishes. This delightful honey comes in a convenient squeeze bottle, making it easy to drizzle over breakfast bowls, desserts, or to sweeten your beverages.
Key Product Attributes:
- Size: Available in a 500g squeeze bottle for easy dispensing.
- Flavour and Texture: Enjoy the rich flavour and velvety texture of this certified organic honey.
- Certification: Certified organic and sustainably sourced for your peace of mind.
- Ideal Uses: Perfect for sweetening sauces, marinades, teas, and more.
For more organic delights like Capilano Organic Honey Squeeze, explore the complete range of organic products from Capilano in our complete range.
100% Pure Australian Organic Raw Honey