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Spiral Foods
Organic Kukicha Tea Bags
In Stock
Certified By: ACO
Country of Origin: Japan
20 bags
$8.00 $0.40 / eachAbout the product
Spiral Foods Organic Kukicha Tea Bags are a delightful blend crafted for tea connoisseurs seeking a unique and refreshing experience. Sourced from high-quality organic tea leaves, each bag contains a medley of delicate flavours and earthy notes, providing a soothing and aromatic brew every time.
Key Product Attributes:
- Certified organic tea bags.
- Refreshing and earthy flavour profile.
- Ideal for those seeking a unique tea experience.
- Convenient and ready to brew anytime.
Experience the complete range of premium organic products by Spiral Foods in our complete range.
Indulge in the pure essence of organic Kukicha Tea with each sip, perfect for unwinding after a long day or as a gentle pick-me-up anytime. Elevate your tea-drinking experience with Spiral Foods Organic Kukicha Tea Bags, a mindful and sustainable choice for your daily ritual.
Roasted organic Kukicha tea leaves and twigs