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Organic Wheatgrass
In Stock
$33.50 $13.40 / 100mlAbout the product
Elevate your daily wellness routine with Melrose Organic Wheatgrass. This vibrant and nutrient-packed powder is a powerhouse of goodness, perfect for health-conscious individuals looking to boost their nutrient intake.
Key Product Attributes:
- Size: Available in a convenient 200g jar, ideal for everyday use.
- Flavour and Texture: With a fresh and earthy flavour, this wheatgrass powder boasts a smooth texture, making it easy to incorporate into your favourite beverages or recipes.
- Certification: Certified organic, ensuring the highest quality and purity.
- Ideal Uses: Add a teaspoon to smoothies, juices, or water for a refreshing nutrient boost.
Discover more from Melrose in our complete range of organic products.
Give your body the vitality it deserves with Melrose Organic Wheatgrass. Start your journey towards a healthier lifestyle today!