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Olive Green Organics
Pasta Baby Anellini Spinach and Beetroot
In Stock
Certified By: IMO
Country of Origin: Bolivia
$8.70 $3.48 / 100g6 x 250g (1 Free!)
$43.50 $2.90 / 100gAbout the product
Indulge your little one with Olive Green Organics Pasta Baby Anellini Spinach and Beetroot, a delightful combination of organic goodness in a convenient 500g pack. Made with certified organic ingredients, this pasta offers a unique flavour profile, blending the earthy notes of spinach with the sweetness of beetroot for a colourful and nutritious mealtime choice.
Crafted with care, this pasta boasts a rich, velvety texture that is perfect for adding a twist to soups, stews, or as a standalone dish. Free from artificial additives, it is a wholesome option for health-conscious parents looking to feed their little explorers the best nature has to offer.
Enhance your pantry with this flavourful pasta from Olive Green Organics and explore more wholesome options in our complete range. Discover more from Olive Green Organics in our complete range and make every meal a moment of organic delight for your family.
Organic rice, organic royal quinoa, organic spinach, organic beetroot, water.