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Farmer Browns Eggs
Pasture Free Range Eggs
In Stock
Certified By: Not Certified Organic
Country of Origin: Australia
$13.95About the product
Grower: Indulge in the superior quality of Farmer Browns Free Range Eggs, sourced from ethically-raised hens with access to open pastures and a natural diet. These eggs are the epitome of freshness and superior taste, making them a must-have for your next culinary creation.
Key Product Attributes:
- Certified free-range eggs from Farmer Browns.
- Ideal for breakfast dishes, baking, or as a protein-packed snack.
- Available in various sizes to suit your needs.
- Guaranteed freshness and quality in every egg.
Give your recipes a nutritious boost with Farmer Browns Eggs, perfect for poaching, frying, baking, and more! Discover more from Farmer Browns in our complete range of premium, pasture free-range products.