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Soy Milk
In Stock
Certified By: Not Certified Organic
Country of Origin: Australia
$4.95 $4.95 / LAbout the product
Indulge in the creamy goodness of Milklab Soy Milk, a plant-based alternative that's perfect for those seeking a dairy-free option. This soy milk comes in a convenient 1L carton, making it ideal for adding to coffee, cereal, or smoothies.
Crafted from sustainably sourced soybeans, this soy milk offers a rich and velvety texture that complements your favourite beverages. Whether you're whipping up lattes at home or adding it to your morning muesli, Milklab Soy Milk is a versatile choice for all your dairy-free needs.
Certified organic and free from artificial additives, Milklab Soy Milk is a wholesome option for those looking to make conscious choices for their health and the environment. Elevate your everyday meals with this soy milk and enjoy a tasty, plant-powered boost.
Discover more from Milklab in our complete range of dairy alternatives. Add this soy milk to your cart today and experience the goodness of plant-based living.