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Strawberries - Organic, 5 Buy
Out of Stock
Certified By: ACO
Country of Origin: Australia
5 x punnets
$49.95 $39.96 / kgAbout the product
Grower: Eco harvest Tas Indulge in the delightful sweetness of our Organic Strawberries. These juicy berries are packed with flavour and bursting with freshness, making them a perfect choice for all your culinary creations.
Key Product Attributes:
- 5 Buy pack of organic strawberries.
- Grown without any synthetic pesticides or chemicals.
- Ideal for snacking, baking, smoothies, and desserts.
- Add a pop of natural sweetness to your dishes.
Looking for more organic goodies? Check out the complete range from Organic Harvest on our website.
Experience the difference with these organic strawberries and elevate your meals with a touch of nature’s best. Order your pack today and enjoy the freshness of organic produce delivered right to your doorstep.
Organic Strawberrries