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Nib and Noble
Sugar Free Drinking Chocolate
Out of Stock
Certified By: ACO
Country of Origin: Made in Australia from Imported Ingredients
$14.95About the product
Indulge in the rich and velvety Nib and Noble Sugar Free Drinking Chocolate! This delightful drinking chocolate comes in a 500g jar, perfect for creating delicious hot beverages with a guilt-free twist.
Certified organic, this sugar-free option is ideal for those looking to enjoy a decadent treat without added sugars. Whether you prefer it hot or cold, this drinking chocolate is versatile and can be enjoyed on its own or as a luscious addition to your favourite recipes.
Discover more from Nib and Noble in our complete range and elevate your everyday indulgences.
Add this exquisite sugar-free drinking chocolate to your pantry essentials and experience luxury in every sip.
Cacao Powder* (50%), Xylitol**, Himalayan Salt. *Certified Organic * Sugars as naturally occurring in Cacao, ** Derived from Non GMO corn. Excessive consumption may have a laxative effect.