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Tequila ArteNOM
Tequila Artenom 1549 Blanco 3
Out of Stock
Certified By: BioAgriCert
Country of Origin: Mexico
$115.00About the product
ArtNOM are one of the few producers who offer tequlia from several distilleries and so, following Mexican traditions use a NOM number (distiller registration number) to identify the distillery who produce each batch of tequila.
The Seleccion de 1549 comes from El Arenal, where Ramón Sandoval carefully distills this delicious un-aged tequila from certified-organic agave. It is from a valley-agave selection (elev. 4,200’)The growing conditions lend this spirit a distinctive herbaceous flavour with warm aromatics, and a fresh, vegetal bouquet with intriguing notes of cacao and subtle spice.
distilled from organically grown agave.