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Who Gives A Crap
Tissues Bamboo
In Stock
Certified By: Not Certified Organic
Country of Origin: China
1 Box
$2.95 $2.95 / eachAbout the product
Introducing Who Gives A Crap Tissues Bamboo, the sustainable and eco-friendly choice for your everyday needs. Made from 100% forest-friendly bamboo, these tissues are gentle on your skin and on the planet.
Key Product Attributes:
- Size: Conveniently sized for everyday use.
- Material: Made from environmentally friendly bamboo.
- Sustainability: Forest-friendly and biodegradable.
- Softness: Gentle on the skin for a comfortable experience.
- Ideal use: Perfect for everyday tissue needs.
Who Gives A Crap is committed to creating products that are kind to both your family and the environment. Discover more from Who Gives A Crap in our complete range.
These bamboo tissues are a great addition to your household, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional paper tissues. Make a conscious choice for a greener future with Who Gives A Crap Tissues Bamboo.
Remember, at Doorstep Organics, we prioritize quality, sustainability, and your well-being. Elevate your everyday essentials and make a positive impact with Who Gives A Crap Tissues Bamboo.